3.6.5 Output Channels
3.6 MSC Software Interface
The output pins have the option to be set high, low, toggled high (10ms toggle) or toggled low (10ms toggle). There are 2 output pins which can be operated.
Elements 1, 2: Header
Group: Output Settings: CHAR O
Parameter: Pin desired for the change. Pin 1: CHAR 1, HEX 0x31, Pin 2: CHAR 2, HEX 0x32
Example CHAR: O,1
Element 3: Specify the property group to be configured
Set pin low: CHAR 0, HEX 0x30
Set pin high: CHAR 1, HEX 0x31
Toggle pin high for 10ms: CHAR 2, HEX 0x32
Toggle pin low for 10ms: CHAR 3, HEX 0x33
Element 4: Payload
Not used
Element 5: End the Packet
End the packet carriage return
Example 0x0D
Example: Set Output 1 to High and Output 2 to Low
CHAR: O,1,1<CR>O,2,0<CR>
HEX: 4F 2C 31 2C 31 0D 4F 2C 32 2C 30 0D